June 25 and 26 is less than a month away. Join the Guild for two fascinating afternoons at the Baptist Church Hall in Tynte Street North Adelaide with visiting Adelaide born & educated pianist and academic NICOLE PANIZZA returning from the UK to visit her parents. She’ll be joined by two distinguished Adelaide artists, soprano, Teresa La Rocca, and poet, Peter Goldsworthy, for sessions involving younger participants below the age of 22 in:
· 2 master classes ( Junior & Senior) ,
· 2 Awards ( Composition – settings of Peter’s poem “Tomatoes” and The Collaborative Pianist Award)
· 2 discussions encouraging audience questions ( “Words and Music” – Nicole is a notable researcher & performer of American poet Emily Dickinson and “Professional Possibilities for Pianists” –and
· A beautiful recital by Nicole and Teresa which includes a wide range of songs illustrating the collaborative pianist from Baroque to Strauss to opera, to Debussy and Aaron Copland settings of Emily Dickinson poems plus the winning composer’s setting of Peter Goldsworthy’s poem.
Join the Guild as we emerge from the dark years of lockdown and get back in to gear ready for our next big event – our Ruby Anniversary ( 40 years) in 2023.
Booking?- yes please—at www.trybooking.com/BYINV– and before June 20 to be in the draw for 2 ASO tickets valued at $170.
I look forward to seeing many Accomp Guild members and supporters during one or both the afternoons of our June 25/26 Festival
Diana Harris OAM Guild founder and 2022 Festival convenor