Tag Archives: Monika Laczofy

Rarely is the art of choral accompaniment placed under the spotlight. Frequently, choral accompanying is wrongly considered to be at the bottom of the pecking order. The very nature of choral accompanying is where many accompanists quickly learn the art in a sink or swim environment. Speak to any accompanist and they’ll tell you how formative their choir accompanying experience has been in their career development. For the Accompanists’ Guild of South Australia’s 2017 Festival, techniques of choral accompaniment will be brought to the fore, under the leadership of distinguished choral conductor, Leonie Hempton, Director of Music at St Peter’s Cathedral and for many years music educator at the Special Interest Music School, Marryatville High School. The Festival will follow the Guild’s successful three stage model of Wednesday Pilgrim Church Lunch Hour Concerts, an all-day conference on Saturday, followed by a Sunday concert   highlighting the Festival Theme – for 2017…

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Accompanists–Professional Expectations—Discussion Session Friday May 25 at 6pm   Join the AGSA Committee for a short discussion session on current expectations of the Accompanist. Well known Accompanists Andrew Georg, Alexander Hanysz and Monika Laczofy will present brief segments about their own experiences in a variety of situations including the “all rounder” as well as the requirements of specific situations such as the opera repetiteur and the Conservatorium accompanist. AGSA President, Diana Harris, will host the session and lead a segment on the AGSA Code of Practice. There will be time for questions and further discussion.   Suitable for Pianist/ Accompanists of all levels – student to professional   When                      Friday May 25 at 6 pm – approximately one hour (longer depending on discussion) Where                    Harrison Studio, 35A Orlando Ave. Hampstead Gardens Entry                       Free Information          0407 818 838 or 8431 6030   AGSADiscussionSession25May2012

JEM (Junior Ensemble Musicians) 2012 Download and print the Application Form here for full details. The Accompanists’ Guild of SA provides an opportunity for six or seven young pianists to enjoy a new experience: that of performing in a small ensemble – the art of ‘Chamber Music’. The pianists will be joined by two other instrumentalists (also Primary School age) chosen by the Convenor in consultation with teachers. Preparation will result in a public Concert on September 26, 2012, which will be recorded by 5MBS. Anna Coppens is the Masterclass Presenter. Her bio can be found on the Application Form. Anna is highly respected by her students and ideally qualified for this engagement which, to conform with AGSA’s “Year of Winds” (the Festival focus for 2012), will include a wind instrument in each trio. Monika Laczofy is the JEM Convenor.

PRESIDENT’S LETTER Thursday February 18. 2010 We never know what the New Year will bring to us! 2010 has started us off with mixed feelings. We were all sorry to hear that Diana’s daughter is not well & understand that therefore the “captain has had to forsake the ship” for a while. For the moment the committee has taken over various duties in the preparation for this year’s Festival. With this, there is only good news. We begin on June 6 with the Young Accompanists’ Showcase. Several Secondary School pianists will rehearse & perform with Janet Anderson (violin), Claire Oremland (‘Cello), Louisa Perfect (Soprano) & Keith Hempton (Bass). Brian Chatterton has been asked to take the Masterclass at Marryatville High School on June 6. The first Concert will take place also at Marryatville on June 20, the second in Pilgrim Church (Adelaide) on June 30. The Festival week will run…

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