Tag Archives: Pilgrim Church

Rarely is the art of choral accompaniment placed under the spotlight. Frequently, choral accompanying is wrongly considered to be at the bottom of the pecking order. The very nature of choral accompanying is where many accompanists quickly learn the art in a sink or swim environment. Speak to any accompanist and they’ll tell you how formative their choir accompanying experience has been in their career development. For the Accompanists’ Guild of South Australia’s 2017 Festival, techniques of choral accompaniment will be brought to the fore, under the leadership of distinguished choral conductor, Leonie Hempton, Director of Music at St Peter’s Cathedral and for many years music educator at the Special Interest Music School, Marryatville High School. The Festival will follow the Guild’s successful three stage model of Wednesday Pilgrim Church Lunch Hour Concerts, an all-day conference on Saturday, followed by a Sunday concert   highlighting the Festival Theme – for 2017…

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