Tag Archives: Yasmin Rowe

2021 Geoffrey Parsons Award Conquers COVID Lockdown with Technology And a Victorian Musician Wins $7000 Prize! On Sunday 19 September in Adelaide, Melbourne musician Yasmin Rowe won the $7000 Geoffrey Parsons Award, the Accompanists’ Guild of South Australia’s national competition for piano accompanists.Judging panel Chairperson, acclaimed collaborative pianist Leigh Harrold, praised all the contestants on the high standard of their performances saying that it was absolutely inspiring –and indicative of the tenacity and resilience of a new generation of artists.  He also congratulated all finalists on their choice of works saying that they were “at the pinnacle” in terms of the complexity that this genre can offer.“But,” he said “there was one finalist in particular where all these elements were in near-perfect balance. This pianist was assertive and supportive, she allowed herself to be inspired by her partner, and in turn often inspired her partner. And yet, one wasn’t really aware…

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