Accompanists’ Guild of SA Media Release
Friday 30 May – Sunday 1 June 2008
Elder Conservatorium of Music
The University of Adelaide `
The world’s first renowned vocal accompanist, Gerald Moore, made famous the question, “Am I too loud?”
From Friday 30 May until Sunday 1 June 2008, the Accompanists’ Guild of South Australia during its inaugural Conference of Accompanists and Associate Artists will consider that question and much more.
The Conference is part of the Guild’s 25th Anniversary Celebration and coincides with the visit of a pianist often compared to Moore and Geoffrey Parsons, one of the world’s foremost vocal accompanists, Malcolm Martineau.
During the three-days, Malcolm Martineau will be one of the many pianists to contribute as speaker, educator and performer.  The Guild has attracted a rich array of presenters – leading pianists, chamber musicians, and pedagogues from all Australian states.
Guild Founder and Conference Convenor, Diana Harris remarks, “Never before has there been such a Conference in Australia. Enthusiasm about the project has been exhilarating.”
The Conference includes:
  • The Geoffrey Parsons Award, sponsored by the UK based Geoffrey Parsons Trust, elevated to a prize pool of $6000 in celebration of the 25th anniversary.
  • Recitals commencing with the Friday lunch time concert presenting Brahms’ Liebeslieder Waltzes and including  mini-recitals by Calvin Bowman with soprano Jaqueline Porter, Alexander Hanysz with violin prodigy Yuhki Mayne and concluding with the exclusive Australian recital by Malcolm  Martineau and bass-baritone, Jonathan Lemalu.
  • Master-classes conducted by renowned  performers and teachers,  Malcolm Martineau, Stephen McIntyre (Vic)  and David Miller (NSW)
  • Presentations reflecting the enormous range of the accompanists’ art and  covering topics related to choral, dance, opera, orchestral and tertiary accompanying, language expectations, training options, interpretation of  Ravel, Bowman, Brahms and Schoenberg and even questioning  the future of the  accompanist. Stand in awe of Victoria Falls, a roaring cascade of water and mist.
  •  Discussions including an interview with Martineau by ABC Classic FM presenter, Graham Abbott and panel sessions with established and emerging professional accompanists on the realities of their vocation.
Major contributors at the Conference will be:
  • Malcolm Martineau – Accompanist of international distinction
  • Graham Abbott – Conductor , ABC Classic FM presenter
  • Diana Harris –  SA Guild founder: Conference Convenor
  • Jonathan Lemalu – bass –baritone international opera and recital stages
  • Stephen McIntyre – University of Melbourne, inaugural  Guild Patron
  • David Miller – Sydney Conservatorium, President of the Accompanists’ Guild of NSW
  • Suzanne Witham  and Mitchell Leigh  – past and current Presidents of the Queensland Accompanists’ Guild
Download the full program from:
Who, What, When & Where?
WHO & WHAT Accompanists’ Guild of SA and in association with the Elder Conservatorium of Music presents
Conference of Accompanists & Associate Artists
WHEN Friday 30 May – Sunday 1 June 2008
WHERE Elder Conservatorium of Music, The University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide. Hartley Concert Room and Elder Hall
TICKETS Adults $250, Concession $200, Students $105
Martineau / Lemalu Recital single ticket bookings Bass 131 246
BOOKINGS Accompanists’ Guild (08) 8431 6030
PUBLIC ENQUIRIES Accompanists’ Guild of SA (08) 8431 6030
MEDIA ENQUIRIES Christopher Wainwright 0438 829 728,
Sheila Bryce 0416 154 061
The Accompanists’ Guild Festival and Conference of Accompanists is proudly supported by:
The University of Adelaide, Elder Conservatorium of Music | Recitals Australia | The Geoffrey Parsons Memorial Trust | Arts SA I The French Embassy & Alliance Française | Adelaide City Council I Winston Music | SA Premier’s Arts Partnership Fund I Yamaha I Allans Music | ANATS | Pilgrim Uniting Church in the City and private donors
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