Category Archives: Young Accompanists’ Showcase

Conducted by Lachlan BrambleSunday 30 August, 2pm-4pm at Kenrick Room, Seymour College Lachlan Bramble, highly regarded violinist and music educator is conducting the workshop, involving six secondary school pianists performing with these professional soloists:Anna Coleman / ClarinetHilary Kleinig / CelloThomas Marlin / CelloSarah Wozniak / ViolinThis workshop is in preparation for a special performance to be included in the Accompanists’ Guild Conference featuring guest artists Daniel de Borah (piano) and Umberto Clerici (cello) in June 2021. Lachlan Bramble will work collaboratively with all the performers and the program details are as follows: P R O G R A M Teresa Kennedy and Sarah Wozniak MOZART K304 1st movt Naomi Ooi and Thomas Marlin BEETHOVEN Op102 No1 1st movt Jasmin Baker and Hilary Kleinig FAURE Elegy Wendy Dong and Anna Coleman BANKS Prologue, Night Piece& Blues for Two Evie McEwin and Thomas Marlin BRUCH Kol Nidrei Alexander Forbes and Sarah Wozniak…

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Piano image
Lisa Moore & Sonya Lifschitz

For five days in June 2018 pianists young and old, professionals and students, will create untold excitement on multiple pianos – from two to 32 – uprights, grands and even professional toy pianos in private teaching studios, schools and public performance spaces, culminating with a Celebrity Recital in Elder Hall performed by acclaimed pianists LISA MOORE and SONYA LIFSCHITZ. When asked “Why Duo Pianos?” Guild Founder and Festival Convenor, Diana Harris responded: “I’ve known Lisa Moore’s work for years, in Australia and through the media reports on her jam-packed US and international activities. She’s a bundle of excitement, a huge performer and a tremendous teacher. When Lisa told me about the success of the 2016/17 US piano duo tours with the brilliant Sonya Lifschitz, and their projected 2018 Australian tour, my immediate reaction was … there’s our 2018 Festival focus!” For just three days – Friday June 15 to Sunday…

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Accompanists’ Festival 2013 August 12 to 18 Pianists for Opera Singers Répétiteurs and Recitalists download AGSA 2013 Festival Brochure   David Barnard Musician in Residence   Katrina Waters – soprano Conference Recital   Festival Musicians: Singers: Gisele Blanchard, Lisa Cannizzaro, Teresa La Rocca, Patrick Power Instrumentalists: Wendy Heiligenberg, violin; Dean Newcomb, clarinet Pianists: Penelope Cashman, Sachiko Hidaka, Emma Knights, Julie Sargeant 7 JEM Primary School Pianists, 7 YAS Secondary School Pianists download AGSA 2013 Festival Brochure FESTIVAL WEEK OUTLINE Geoffrey Parsons Award Auditions Monday/Tuesday August 12/13 Bishop Hall from 5.30 pm Elder Conservatorium North Terrace Lunch Hour Concerts Wednesday August 14 Pilgrim Church, 12 Flinders Street, Adelaide 12.10 JEM Junior Ensemble Musicians 1.10 Julie Sargeant & Co-Opera Singers Accompanists’ Conference Sunday August 18, 9.00 am – 4.00pm The Stables, Marryatville High School 170 Kensington Road, Marryatville Geoffrey Parsons Award Final In association with the Elder Conservatorium Sunday August 18 at…

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 Accompanists’ Festival 2012 – September 24 to 30 “A Week with Winds”   Download Festival Brochure for full details and Application form Download E-Flyer   Timothy Young – Musician in Residence Conference Geoffrey Parsons Award Celebrity Recital – Celia Craig oboe Contributing Festival Musicians:   Samantha Hennessy, Natalie Zwar – flute, Amanda Lovelock – clarinet, Peter Handsworth – bass clarinet, Rachel Tolmie – cor anglais, Mark Gaydon, Josie Hawkes – bassoon,Howard Parkinson – trombone, Leigh Harrold – piano, John Martin – piano, JEM ensembles with wind   FESTIVAL WEEK OUTLINE: Geoffrey Parsons Award Auditions Monday/Tuesday September 24/25 from 5.30 pm – Bishop Hall, Elder Conservatorium North Terrace Lunch Hour Concerts Wednesday September 26 – Pilgrim Church, 12 Flinders Street, Adelaide 12.10 JEM Junior Ensemble Musicians 1.10 Leigh Harrold – piano, Natalie Zwar – flute Accompanists’ Conference Saturday September 29, 9.30am – 4.00pm Cynthia Poulton Hall, St Peter’s Cathedral, 18 King William…

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Download and print the YAS Application Form here for full details. The Accompanists’ Guild of SA provides an opportunity for 6 to 8 Secondary School pianists to gain experience in the art of accompanying through the Young Accompanists’ Showcase (YAS). This project pairs the piano student with a professional soloist with whom they rehearse and perform. All soloists in 2012 will be wind players. YAS pianists are committed to performances on these dates: (1) Masterclass with Elizabeth Koch OAM on 3 June, 2:30pm Marryatville High School (2) Concert on 24 June, 2:30pm Marryatville High School (3) Concert on 29 September, 1:45pm Cynthia Poulton Hall, St Peter’s Cathedral, North Adelaide (during 2012 Festival of Accompanists) Full details of the program, and eligibility requirements can be found on the YAS Application Form. The Soloists are professional performers and teachers, and include: Samantha Hennessy – flute; Amanda Lovelock – clarinet; Josie Hawkes –…

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JEM (Junior Ensemble Musicians) 2012 Download and print the Application Form here for full details. The Accompanists’ Guild of SA provides an opportunity for six or seven young pianists to enjoy a new experience: that of performing in a small ensemble – the art of ‘Chamber Music’. The pianists will be joined by two other instrumentalists (also Primary School age) chosen by the Convenor in consultation with teachers. Preparation will result in a public Concert on September 26, 2012, which will be recorded by 5MBS. Anna Coppens is the Masterclass Presenter. Her bio can be found on the Application Form. Anna is highly respected by her students and ideally qualified for this engagement which, to conform with AGSA’s “Year of Winds” (the Festival focus for 2012), will include a wind instrument in each trio. Monika Laczofy is the JEM Convenor.

There are some fantastic events coming our way this year. Click here for a detailed timetable. Click below for AGSA 2011 Program of Events (Printable Listing) Brochure (Outside) Brochure (Inside) Young Accompanists’ Showcase AGSA’s educational program provides opportunities for students from pre-teens to tertiary to experience the demands & joys of collaborative performance. Directed at between 6 & 8 secondary school pianists annually, YAS teams them up with professional performers who also teach. They rehearse together several times in preparation for performing in a Master Class and 2 public concerts. In 2011 for the first time the second concert is scheduled during the Conference at the Accompanists’ Festival. YAS has already shown many fine young pianists that collaborative playing is not only demanding but extremely satisfying. The Festival of Accompanists has been an annual feature of AGSA’s program for most of the 21st Century. As well as prominent local musicians,…

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The brochure and program for the 2010 Young Accompanists Showcase is now available. Please click below: 2010 Young Accompanists Showcase – Application 2010 Young Accompanists Showcase – Program
